

There is a strong emerging market for US companies and organizations in Belgium. Our translators and conference interpreters see this opportunity and are driven to support our US clients to expand and thrive in the European marketplace.

Summary of the services provided to Vinventions:

  • English <> French, Spanish, Italian and German simultaneous interpretation with portable equipment
  • Set-up of interpretation equipment (booths, headphone receivers…)
  • Interpretation for VIPs from America during visits to the Belgian site
  • Translation from English to French, Spanish, German


Vinventions (formerly known as Nomacorc) is the world leader in synthetic corks for wine bottles. The company was established in Zebulon, North Carolina and manufactures over two billion corks a year.

When the American headquarters decided to open a manufacturing site in Belgium’s Liège area, they asked us to translate their entire operational base into French, including equipment instruction manuals to facilitate the training of its future employees. Our translators worked closely on-site with the staff, and after two years, acquired a deep understanding of how the company worked.

Since then, our translation agency has translated all the communication materials produced in Belgium for the rest of Europe, from website content and safety regulations to scientific and technical documents detailing the effectiveness of Vinventions corks.

Colingua’s interpreters worked alongside Vinventions as they continued to expand into the European wine market. With our team’s in-depth knowledge of the company and its products, we were able to eliminate all communication barriers between the American and Belgian staff. Our interpreters also accompanied Vinventions staff in France, Spain, Italy, Germany and other countries to explain the technology behind its products.

Vinventions remains our most long-standing client. In September 2017 (after 13 years of continuing partnership), Vinventions requested our conference interpreters (simultaneous interpretation from a booth) to support them at the global conference at which the name change from Nomacorc to Vinventions was announced.

About Vinventionshttp://www.vinventions.com

Our references speak for themselves: Tiffany & Co., Facebook, MŌDERE, Merck-MSD

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